Monday, June 20, 2011

Catch a Stargazer Fish Fishing at Jersey Shore - Yes!

If you are wondering if you can catch a Stargazer fish at the New Jersey shore the answer is a definitive

I regret to say that the stargazer was not caught in Sea Isle City, New Jersey. A good friend of mine, Ken Jaworowski, an avid fisherman, was fishing off the surf at Belmar and caught what he said was a large stargazer.

If you never have seen one, and I have never seen a stargazer fish except in photos, they have a mouth that points upwards toward the top of their head.  They bury themselves in the sand with the mouth sticking out to suck in prey.  The most fascinating thing about a stargazer is that they can produce an electric current that stuns prey.  Ken said that he forgot all about the current but did not get an electric shock from the fish.

I apologize that I do not have more details on the fish that was caught (no picture was provided and it was safely returned to the water) but if you want to learn more about stargazers in general, I have linked an easy to read article on them.  

Learn More About Stargazers Here

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1 comment:

  1. I caught one right in the middle of Townsend's Inlet on the bay side of the inlet when I was a kid, definitely a strange find but cool to see
